LinkedIn - My LinkedIn Profile

Pifuscate - Using values of pi to obfuscate shellcode

Social Networks and Security Questions - How to exploit them

Secure Password Creation - Create "random" passwords, and how to remember them - Taking the net one sploit at a time...

airdrop-ng - Wireless rule-based deauthentication



For those who don't know me, my name is Ronnie Tokazowski. I am a penetration tester and programmer, with a degree in Computer Science. My programming language of choice is python, though I have experience with perl, visual basic, html, assmebly, and C/C++. If I am not at my computer, I am probably cooking or baking, both of which are very relaxing to me.

My latest course of study has been reverse engineering, writing shellcode, and grasping concepts of assembly. In python, I assisted in the creation of libraries for airdrop-ng, along with writing the installer for it. If you haven't seen it, airdrop-ng an application used for rule based wireless deauthentication. Feel free to check out the links to the side, which are other projects and tutorials I have written over the years.